Burpee Hot Salsa Blend Hot Pepper Vegetable Seed, 1-Pack
Burpee Hot Salsa Blend Hot Pepper Vegetable Seed, 1-Pack

Burpee Hot Salsa Blend Hot Pepper Vegetable Seed, 1-Pack

  • Description
    Buy one packet and grow five different kinds of hot peppers! Includes Hungarian Wax, Anaheim Chili, Long Slim Red Cayenne, Ancho (Poblano) and Jalapeno M. Days to maturity are from time plants are set in garden. For transplants add 8-10 weeks. Space plants 18-24" apart. Loved by gardens and trusted by gardeners, Burpee© has been introducing fresh garden breakthroughs since 1876. Burpee offers only the highest quality, non-GMO seeds, hand-picked by expert horticulturalists to thrive in your home garden.
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